



قمنا في نهاية الأسبوع الفائت بالدعوة لمؤتمر من أجل مناقشة أوضاع اللاجئين الشباب، وهذا تقرير أولي:

مؤتمرنا بعنوان " شاب ولاجئ " الذي قمنا بتنظيمه بالتعاون مع Bundesjugendwerk التابع لمنظمة AWO، جذب العديد من المهتمين من كافة أنحاء ألمانيا، إلى جانب أعضاء Jugendwerke من هانوفر، شتوتغارت، اوست-فيست فالين- ليبي، لوبيك والعديد من المناطق الأخرى، استطعنا أيضا استضافة عدد من اللاجئين الشباب من سوريا وأفغانستان، الذين وجدو لأنفسهم منزلاً جديداً في ألمانيا.
حتى يوم الأحد، سنقوم سوياً بمناقشة الظروف التي يعيش فيها اللاجئون الشباب، وكيف بإمكاننا تقديم الدعم المناسب لهم، لكي يحصلو على موطئ قدم لهم هنا، العمل معاً هو أمر مهم جداً بالنسبة لنا، على حد تعبير أحد المشاركين :" لا تعملوا من أجل اللاجئين، بل اعملوا معهم "

Vernetzungstreffen "Junge Geflüchtete bei uns." -  ein erster Bericht.

Vernetzungstreffen "Junge Geflüchtete bei uns." - ein erster Bericht.

Unser Vernetzungstreffen „Junge Geflüchtete bei uns.“, das wir zusammen mit dem Jugendwerk der AWO veranstalten, hat viele Interessierte aus der ganzen Bundesrepublik angezogen. Neben den Mitgliedern der Jugendwerke aus Hannover, Stuttgart, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lübeck und anderen Orten, konnten wir auch junge Geflüchtete aus Afghanistan und Syrien begrüßen, die in Deutschland ein neues Zuhause gefunden haben. Bis zum Sonntag werden wir gemeinsam diskutieren, unter welchen Bedingungen junge Geflüchtete in Deutschland leben und wie wir sie dabei unterstützen können, hier Fuß zu fassen. Dabei ist uns wichtig, auf Augenhöhe mit den Geflüchteten zu arbeiten. „Don’t work fort the refugees, work with them“, wie es ein Teilnehmer ausdrückte.

conference "young refugees with us." - a short report.

29.01.2016Our conference “Junge Geflüchtete bei uns.” ("young refugees with us.”), which we organized together with the Jugendwerk der AWO, had guests from all the country. Besides the members of the Jugendwerke of Hannover, Stuttgart, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lübeck and others, we could welcome young refugees from Afghanistan and Syria, who has found a new home in Germany. Until this day we discussed together, under which conditions young refugees live in Germany and how we can support them to gain a foothold in Germany. It is really important for us to be on a level playing field together with the refugees. “Don’t work for the refugees, work with them”, said one of the participants.

About the situation of young refugees

The day began with two input speeches about the general situation of young refugees in Germany and the access possibilities to education and jobs. After a delicious lunch we came together and listen to the stories our friends from Afghanistan and Syria told about their escape. They told how they had normal lives a few months before and how the public policy collapsed. They told how they get exploited by ruthless people, smugglers, policemen and soldiers and taxi drivers as well. They told how the were put inside of jails without any reason and get maltreated. It’s hard to get this stories if you see this nice and, in a positive way, normal people. Why this people had to get through this? We said thanks for sharing this stories with us by make a gift – our biological, fair trade FLUCHTHELFER_IN Zip Hoodies!

Working groups and refugee support tour

Subsequent to a break we splitted in different working groups. The first group was engaged with the topic how we can make the access easier for refugees to education and participation. Another group thought about how we can improve the general frame conditions for young refugees and the last group was asking the question, how we can enable the integration of young refugees in the work of youth organizations. The results of this working groups we will present to you in the next week.
In the evening we had a speech about the refugee support tour, which the Landesjugendwerk Berlin is supporting. With pictures and experience reports we could get a full picture about the situation on the balkan route and get started with the lasts jobs on Sunday – develop proposals for the treatment of young refugees in Germanys – justice, solidary and sustainable.